Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Not So Traditional Birthstone

Sterling Silver Necklace with Amethyst (picses birthstone)

My Birthday is in April the traditional birthstone for April is diamond, growing up I always got birthstone jewelry, while very appreciative I was always envious of the birthstones with color. Eventually as time went on being involved with research for my jewelry
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business I learned that there are many birthstones besides the traditonal. There are birthstone charts for different cultures, religions and zodiac so if your looking for something a little different and not so traditional you can pick from a whole list every month I will give you a list of not so tradional birthstones. Because this blog is new March's birthstones are coming in a little late but better than waiting a whole year:

Traditional- Aquamarine

Zodiac- pisces(feb 22 -mar 21) - Amethyst, Ruby, Bloodstone and Jasper

Aries (mar 22-april 20)-Bloodstone, topaz, sapphire, Jasper and Aquamarine

Additional Cultural Birthstones- Opal and Hematite

This is really just a short reference list there really is a lot of info out there on birthstones for me to give you all that info at once I would have to write a book. Theres even Birthstones for hour of birth so if your not satisfied with these options you can look further and I'm sure you'll find a birthstone that you truly love.

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