Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Gettin Down To Goals

Goals are important for everything in life, business, personal, family, work long term goals, short term goals they are all important. Setting goals will help keep you on track of where you want to be and how to get there. I suggest having a book specifically for goals in your book write down where you want to be in 5 years or maybe even just next year, write down what you have to do to get you there in the next 6months or 3months. Keep working towards those goals and keep checking back with your book and revising as you need to. I also make daily list (I am a list lover you can find them everywhere here) I incorporate what I need to finish for the day for example here is today's list



make 10 pieces of jewelry

clean living room

spend some time in the etsy forums

work on my wholesale list

clean and organize desk

I write these list everyday because it helps keep me focused every time I can check something off of the list I feel as though I accomplished something and it gives me drive to finish something else. These list can be as indepth or as short as you like or need what ever works for you they also help to keep your day organized and a little less hectic...well sometimes it's not 100% guaranteed especially if like me you have a couple of little monsters running around no amount of list can 100% prepare you then.


DreamON said...

Agree. It's a good plan. The last time I made goals, we had to put them in an envelope for someone, and she never opened the envelope but mailed it back to us in 6 mos. I was pleasantly surprised to find I had accomplished all of them.

Sherry said...

I love lists too, I make them daily, but I set quarterly goals.

Unknown said...

I love lists! It's great to find another Alicia who is also a list-lover! :)

Payson said...

I'm a list maker as well, I have pads of paper EVERYWHERE with lists. Hubby gets mad when I leave them around, but these things happen, I suppose.

woolies said...

Lists are great. My husband, who has an extreme case of ADD, cannot function without lists.
Of course, he tends to lose them!

Unknown said...

i've never been much of a goal setter, but here lately i'm realizing how i could benefit from it.

Smashgirl said...

I just started making lists again this week. It's such a great feeling when I can cross things off. Funny thing is I don't list my Etsy time...never a problem getting that in each day, but sometimes the laundry suffers!