Monday, March 24, 2008

Oh The Joys Of Moving

I am currently in the process of moving not fun at all. I am a hoarder of craft supplies especially jewelry supplies, bath and body supplies and paper supplies. If it could be used for some possible crafting I really don't want to throw it away and if it's for sale I want to buy it. At the present we have been living in a rather small apartment but are moving to a much larger duplex. I'm excited and scared all at the same time thinking of all the extra space I can fill up with supplies. But for now is the tedious task of packing it all that is the part that is really no fun especially with a 2yr old a 4 yr old and 2 cats that might as well be kids. I am ready to pull out my hair or theirs which ever comes first ( no hair follicles were damaged during this move). Luckily we aren't moving very fair it's actually just around the corner and we have a week to do it all hopefully I will retain my sanity.


MarDi said...

Best of luck with the move! I'm currently faced with the overwhelming task of cleaning out just one closet which I've been putting off for days. I can't imagine packing up the whole house!

Before you know it you'll be in the new place, and I hope it goes very smoothly for you!

Heather said...

Good luck moving, it's always such a mammoth job. Oh, and your link is up at Maternal Spark! Thanks for letting me post it ;)

TexasTesla said...

Ugh, I hate moving too. So much work!